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Announcements Archive

Volleyball Social (10/30)

Princeton Adult Volleyball League (PAVL) will be hosting a Volleyball Social exclusively for PDS Parents.

Halloween Parade (10/31)

Join us around the front circle and watch the all-school Halloween parade at 2:15 p.m. on October 31.

US Fall Play (10/24-10/26)

Purchase tickets for the upcoming Upper School play featuring George Orwell's revolutionary masterpiece, Animal Farm.

Chris Urquiaga's Visit to PDS

Chris Urquiaga (aka JChris), a talented Latinx/Hispanic singer-songwriter, visited the PDS campus on Friday, October 11.

Parent Ambassador Volunteers

If you are interested in supporting the work of the Admission Office to attract and inform prospective families, sign up today!

Picture Makeup/Retake Day (10/17)

Schoolhouse Pictures will be on campus again on Thursday, October 17 for those who need to have their photo taken or prefer to have a retake.