Planned Giving
When you make a planned gift of any size, you help strengthen the Princeton Day School experience for the next generation. Your gift enhances campus priorities that have personal meaning to you or a loved one including faculty support, financial aid, athletics or art programming, among other areas. Or you can make an unrestricted gift that enables PDS to best address its future needs.
We are happy to help you make a meaningful gift to both you and the school. Please contact Courtney Hodock at or (609) 924-6700 ext. 1251 to learn more.
The May Margaret Fine Society
Established in 1998, the May Margaret Fine Society recognizes those loyal alumnae/i, parents and friends who have informed the school that they have made provisions for Princeton Day School in their estate plans. Including the school in their will, establishing a charitable trust while maintaining life income, or naming the school as a life insurance beneficiary are some of the ways these individuals have helped secure the long-term strength of Princeton Day School.
Information for Estate Attorneys and Administrators
Legal Name: Princeton Day School
Tax ID: 210727645
Date of incorporation: 1965
Our address and contact information for estates and trusts is:
Princeton Day School
Advancement Office
650 Great Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
(609) 924-6700 ext. 1251